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The /v4/demographics endpoint returns survey data from a country's census. Currently the only countries supported are the United States of America and Canada.

The API uses an ID of a boundary to locate census data for the boundary.

Because of the nature of generating census data for neighborhoods, some data will be less accurate than others. To determine how accurate data is, the confidence value between 0-100 is included for each boundary.


Query Parameters

    boundary-id string[]required

    The boundary ID(s) to get demographics information on. Demographics information will only be returned if the boundary exists and there is demographics information available for it. Only 20 boundary IDs can be supplied per request.



    success booleanrequired




  • Array [

  • oneOf

    confidence numberrequired

    Score of LiveBy's confidence in the accuracy of the statistics produced. This is a percentage from 0 to 100, with 100 being the highest confidence.




    attribution stringrequired

    Attribution to the source of the demographics data.

    source stringrequired

    Possible values: [CA, US]

    Source country of the demographics data.

    boundaryId stringrequired

    The boundary ID for the demographics data.

    population numberrequired

    Number of people in the boundary provided.

    populationDensity numberrequired

    Average number of people in given unit of space for the boundary. Unit defined by populationDensityUnit.

    populationDensityUnit stringrequired

    Unit used to describe populationDensity

    privateHouseholds numberrequired

    Number of households in the boundary provided.

    averageHouseholdSize numberrequired

    Average number of people per household.

    medianAge numberrequired

    The median age of people in the given boundary.

    medianIncome numberrequired

    Median household income for the given boundary.

    educationClimateIndex numbernullablerequired

    A measurement of how students, staff, and parents perceive the quality, character, and health of the learning environments within boundary.

    averageTravelTime numbernullablerequired

    Average travel time in minutes.

    householdsWithChildren numberrequired

    Number of households with children in the boundary provided.

    averageRooms numberrequired

    Average number of rooms in dwelling.

    medianMortgageMonthlyCost numberrequired

    Median monthly mortgage payment.

    medianRentMonthlyCost numberrequired

    Median monthly rent payment.

    medianHouseValue numberrequired

    Median home value.

    countMarried numberrequired

    Count of married individuals.

    countUnmarried numberrequired

    Count of unmarried individuals.

    percentMale numbernullablerequired

    Percentage of male individuals. From 0 to 100.

    percentFemale numbernullablerequired

    Percentage of female individuals. From 0 to 100.




    married numberrequired

    Count of married individuals.

    single numberrequired

    Count of single individuals.

    separated numberrequired

    Count of separated individuals.

    widowed numberrequired

    Count of widowed individuals.

    divorced numberrequired

    Count of divorced individuals.




    under499 numbernullablerequired

    Count of individuals with monthly rent payments under $499.

    between500To749 numberrequired

    Count of individuals with monthly rent payments between $500 and $749.

    between750To999 numberrequired

    Count of individuals with monthly rent payments between $750 and $999.

    over999 numberrequired

    Count of individuals with monthly rent payments over $999 ($1000 or more).




    vacant numberrequired

    Count of vacant units.

    unitOccupiedOwner numberrequired

    Count of units occupied by owners.

    unitOccupiedRenter numberrequired

    Count of units occupied by renters.

    absenteeOwner numbernullablerequired

    Count of units with absentee owners.




    below100000 numbernullablerequired

    Count of homes with value below $100,000.

    between100000To150000 numbernullablerequired

    Count of homes with value between $100,000 and $150,000.

    between150000To200000 numbernullablerequired

    Count of homes with value between $150,000 and $200,000.

    between200000To300000 numbernullablerequired

    Count of homes with value between $200,000 and $300,000.

    between300000To500000 numbernullablerequired

    Count of homes with value between $300,000 and $500,000.

    above500000 numbernullablerequired

    Count of homes with value above $500,000.




    under15Minutes numbernullablerequired

    Commute time under 15 minutes

    between15To29Minutes numbernullablerequired

    Commute time between 15 to 29 minutes

    between30To59Minutes numbernullablerequired

    Commute time between 30 to 59 minutes

    over60Minutes numbernullablerequired

    Commute time over 60 minutes




    publicPrePrimarySchool numbernullablerequired

    Count of individuals attending public pre-primary school.

    privatePrePrimarySchool numbernullablerequired

    Count of individuals attending private pre-primary school.

    publicCollege numbernullablerequired

    Count of individuals attending public college.

    privateCollege numbernullablerequired

    Count of individuals attending private college.

    publicSchool numbernullablerequired

    Count of individuals attending public school.

    privateSchool numbernullablerequired

    Count of individuals attending private school.

    none numbernullablerequired

    Count of individuals not attending any educational institution.




    noDegree numberrequired

    Count of individuals with no degree.

    highSchool numberrequired

    Count of individuals with a high school degree.

    collegeBelowBachelor numberrequired

    Count of individuals with some college education but no bachelor's degree.

    bachelor numberrequired

    Count of individuals with a bachelor's degree.

    master numberrequired

    Count of individuals with a master's degree.

    doctorate numberrequired

    Count of individuals with a doctorate degree.




    under500 numbernullablerequired

    Count of individuals with a mortgage payment under $500.

    between500To1000 numbernullablerequired

    Count of individuals with a mortgage payment between $500 and $1000.

    between1000To2000 numbernullablerequired

    Count of individuals with a mortgage payment between $1000 and $2000.

    between2000To3000 numbernullablerequired

    Count of individuals with a mortgage payment between $2000 and $3000.

    between3000To4000 numbernullablerequired

    Count of individuals with a mortgage payment between $3000 and $4000.

    over4000 numbernullablerequired

    Count of individuals with a mortgage payment over $4000.




    studio numberrequired

    Count of studio units.

    oneBedroom numberrequired

    Count of one-bedroom units.

    twoBedrooms numberrequired

    Count of two-bedroom units.

    threeBedrooms numberrequired

    Count of three-bedroom units.

    fourBedroomsOrMore numberrequired

    Count of four-bedroom or more units.




    bicycle numberrequired

    Number of people that commute by bike.

    carAlone numberrequired

    Number people that drive alone.

    carCarpool numberrequired

    Number of people that carpool.

    carDriver numberrequired

    Number of people that are drivers.

    carSelf numbernullablerequired

    Number of people that drive themselves.

    other numberrequired

    Number of people that use other means of transportation for commute.

    publicTransit numberrequired

    Number of people that commute by public transit.

    walked numberrequired

    Number of people that walk.




    agriculture numberrequired

    Number of people in the agriculture occupation.

    appliedScience numberrequired

    Number of people in the applied science occupation.

    artCultureSport numberrequired

    Number of people in the art, culture, and sport occupation.

    businessFinanceAdmin numberrequired

    Number of people in the business, finance, and administration occupation.

    educationLawSocialGovernment numberrequired

    Number of people in the education, law, social, and government services occupation.

    management numberrequired

    Number of people in the management occupation.

    manufacturing numberrequired

    Number of people in the manufacturing occupation.

    notApplicable numberrequired

    Number of people where occupation is not applicable.

    sales numberrequired

    Number of people in the sales occupation.

    trades numberrequired

    Number of people in the trades occupation.




    governmentWorker numberrequired

    Count of government workers.

    notForProfitWorker numberrequired

    Count of not-for-profit workers.

    privateWorker numbernullablerequired

    Count of private workers.

    selfEmployedWorker numbernullablerequired

    Count of self-employed workers.

    unpaidFamilyWorker numbernullablerequired

    Count of unpaid family workers.




    blueCollar numberrequired

    Count of individuals in blue-collar jobs.

    whiteCollar numberrequired

    Count of individuals in white-collar jobs.

    annualResidentialTurnover number

    Number of households that change occupiers per year in the boundary provided.




    before1970 numberrequired

    Count of units built before 1970.

    between1970To1979 numberrequired

    Count of units built between 1970 and 1979.

    between1980To1989 numberrequired

    Count of units built between 1980 and 1989.

    between1990To1999 numberrequired

    Count of units built between 1990 and 1999.

    between2000To2009 numberrequired

    Count of units built between 2000 and 2009.

    between2010To2019 numberrequired

    Count of units built between 2010 and 2019.

    after2019 numberrequired

    Count of units built after 2019.







    between0To25000 numberrequired

    Number of people with income between $0 and $25,000

    between25000To35000 numberrequired

    Number of people with income between $25,000 and $35,000

    between35000To50000 numberrequired

    Number of people with income between $35,000 and $50,000

    between50000To75000 numberrequired

    Number of people with income between $50,000 and $75,000

    between75000To100000 numberrequired

    Number of people with income between $75,000 and $100,000

    over100000 numberrequired

    Number of people with income over $100,000




    between0To10k numberrequired

    Number of people with income between $0 and $10,000

    between10kTo15k numberrequired

    Number of people with income between $10,000 and $15,000

    between15kTo20k numberrequired

    Number of people with income between $15,000 and $20,000

    between20kTo25k numberrequired

    Number of people with income between $20,000 and $25,000

    between25kTo30k numberrequired

    Number of people with income between $25,000 and $30,000

    between30kTo35k numberrequired

    Number of people with income between $30,000 and $35,000

    between35kTo40k numberrequired

    Number of people with income between $35,000 and $40,000

    between40kTo45k numberrequired

    Number of people with income between $40,000 and $45,000

    between45kTo50k numberrequired

    Number of people with income between $45,000 and $50,000

    between50kTo60k numberrequired

    Number of people with income between $50,000 and $60,000

    between60kTo75k numberrequired

    Number of people with income between $60,000 and $75,000

    between75kTo100k numberrequired

    Number of people with income between $60,000 and $75,000

    between100kTo125k numberrequired

    Number of people with income between $100,000 and $125,000

    between125kTo15k numberrequired

    Number of people with income between $125,000 and $150,000

    between150kTo200k numberrequired

    Number of people with income between $150,000 and $200,000

    over200k numberrequired

    Number of people with income over $200,000







    between0To9 numberrequired

    Count of individuals between 0 to 9 years old.

    between10To17 numberrequired

    Count of individuals between 10 to 17 years old.

    between18To24 numberrequired

    Count of individuals between 18 to 24 years old.

    between25To64 numberrequired

    Count of individuals between 25 to 64 years old.

    between65To74 numberrequired

    Count of individuals between 65 to 74 years old.

    between75AndOver numberrequired

    Count of individuals 75 years old and over.




    between0To4 numberrequired

    Count of individuals between 0 to 4 years old.

    between5To9 numberrequired

    Count of individuals between 5 to 9 years old.

    between10To14 numberrequired

    Count of individuals between 10 to 14 years old.

    between15To19 numberrequired

    Count of individuals between 15 to 19 years old.

    between25To29 numberrequired

    Count of individuals between 25 to 29 years old.

    between30To34 numberrequired

    Count of individuals between 30 to 34 years old.

    between35To39 numberrequired

    Count of individuals between 35 to 39 years old.

    between40To44 numberrequired

    Count of individuals between 40 to 44 years old.

    between45To49 numberrequired

    Count of individuals between 45 to 49 years old.

    between50To54 numberrequired

    Count of individuals between 50 to 54 years old.

    between55To59 numberrequired

    Count of individuals between 55 to 59 years old.

    between60To64 numberrequired

    Count of individuals between 60 to 64 years old.

    between65To69 numberrequired

    Count of individuals between 65 to 69 years old.

    between70To74 numberrequired

    Count of individuals between 70 to 74 years old.

    between75To79 numberrequired

    Count of individuals between 75 to 79 years old.

    between80To84 numberrequired

    Count of individuals between 80 to 84 years old.

    between85AndOver numberrequired

    Count of individuals 85 years old and over.

  • ]
