Search Schools
Get a list of schools based on search criteria. Used to initially search for schools. Extra details can be found in the /v4/schools/{school-id}
Query Parameters
- public
- private
- catholic
The types of schools returned. Public schools are schools that are payed for by the government.Private schools are schools that require extra payment to attend.Catholic schools are schools (primarily in Canada) that get government funding and are open to anyone to attend, but are owned and run by the Catholic church.
Possible values: [public
, private
, catholic
Default value: [public
, private
Example: public
Example: private
Example: catholic
boundary id for which you seek to obtain school information from. This will return all schools with a school attendance boundary that overlaps this boundary, and private schools within ~1110 meters of the boundary. You must either provide a latitude and longitude or a boundary id.
The latitude for which you seek to obtain school information from.Any schools attendance boundary that overlaps this coordinate will be returned.Any schools without a school attendance boundary, and is within the radius specified will be returned.You must either provide a latitude and longitude or a boundary id.
The longitude for which you seek to obtain school information from.Any schools attendance boundary that overlaps this coordinate will be returned.Any schools without a school attendance boundary, and is within the radius specified will be returned.You must either provide a latitude and longitude or a boundary id.
The default radius is 1000 meters. You may use decimals as well.If you would like to get only schools that intersect the exact point, set the radius to 0.
Default value: 1000
The number of records you would like returned. The default is 20, the maximum is 100.
Default value: 20
Used for pagination, the number of records for the collection to skip.
Default value: 0
This parameter changes the order of the results. The sort distance will be from the closest edge of the boundary, if boundary-id is provided. It will be from the coordinate if, latitude and longitude are provided.
Possible values: [distance
, type
Default value: distance
- 200
- 401
- 403
- 429
- 500
- 504
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
Array [
Array [
Array [
The national center for educational statistics (NCES) school ID.
The district ID. Schools without districts will be assigned the value '99999'.
The school's district name.
The school name.
Possible values: [public
, private
, catholic
The type of school.
The phone number of the school.
The website of the school.
The street address of the school.
The city where the school is located.
The state or province where the school is located.
The postal code of the school.
The country where the school is located.
The full address of the school.
The lowest grade offered by the school.
The highest grade offered by the school.
Possible values: [Elementary
, Middle
, High
, Private
The level of the school (e.g., Elementary, Middle, High, Private).
Flag to determine if this school is a charter school.
Flag to determine if this school is a magnet school.
Flag to determine if this school is a virtual school.
Flag to determine if this school is a private school, or a public school.
School rating based on standardized test assessments. This is a historical list of school ratings. For the most recent rating, use the first value from the array.
Year of the school assessment
How many other schools had a total score better than this school in the school district and of the same school type.
Total amount of schools in the district that were assessed and of the same school type.
Possible values: <= 5
The star rating of the school.
The level of the school.
Details about the school that change per year, including school attendance, and staffing. This is a historical list of school details. For the most recent detail, use the first value from the array.
Year of the school survey
Number of students in the school
Percent of students who receive free/reduced price lunch
Percent of students who are African American
Percent of students who are Asian
Percent of students who are Hispanic
Percent of students who are Indian
Percent of students who are Pacific Islander
Percent of students who are White
Percent of students who are two or more races
Percent of students who are of an unspecified race
Number of full time teachers
number of students per full time teacher
number of students who are African American
number of students who are Asian
number of students who are Hispanic
number of students who are Indian
number of students who are Pacific Islander
number of students who are White
number of students who are two or more races
number of students who are of an unspecified race
Gifted and talented programs are programs during regular school hours that provide special educational opportunities including accelerated promotion through grades and classes and an enriched curriculum for students who give evidence of high achievement capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields.
Dual enrollment/dual credit programs provide opportunities for high school students to take college-level courses offered by colleges, and earn concurrent credit toward a high school diploma and a college degree while still in high school. These programs are for high school-enrolled students who are academically prepared to enroll in college and are interested in taking on additional coursework. For example, students who want to study subjects not offered at their high school may seek supplemental education at colleges nearby. Dual enrollment/dual credit programs do not include the Advanced Placement (AP) program or the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.
Credit recovery programs (including courses or other instruction) aim to help more students graduate by giving students who have fallen behind the chance to “recover” credits through a multitude of different strategies, including online. Different programs allow students to work on their credit recovery classes over the summer, on school breaks, after school, on weekends, at home on their own, at night in school computer labs, or even during the school day.
Single-sex academic class refers to an academic class in a co-educational school that excludes boys or girls from enrolling or otherwise participating in that class because of their sex. A class is not considered single-sex so long as it does not exclude boys or girls, even if students of only one sex, or a disproportionate number of students of one sex, enroll.
Advanced Placement (AP) refers to a program, sponsored by the College Board, through which students may earn college credit and advanced college placement by successfully completing AP courses and standardized AP exams.
International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme, sponsored by the International Baccalaureate Organization, is designed as an academically challenging and balanced program of education with final examinations that prepares students, usually aged 16 to 19, for success at university and life beyond. The Programme is typically taught over two years. IB Diploma Programme students study six courses at higher level or standard level. Students must choose one subject from each of groups 1 to 5, thus ensuring breadth of experience in languages, social studies, the experimental sciences and mathematics. The sixth subject may be an arts subject chosen from group 6, or the student may choose another subject from groups 1 to 5. Additionally, IB Diploma Programme students must meet three core requirements: the extended essay, the theory of knowledge course, and a creativity/action/service experience.
Corporal punishment refers to paddling, spanking, or other forms of physical punishment imposed on a child.
Interscholastic athletics refers to team-based organized sports activities that offer competition between schools.
Flag to indicate if this school offers Kindergarten.
Flag to indicate if this school offers Full Day Kindergarten.
Amount of students enrolled in AP courses.
Amount of dollars spent per student each year.
Flag to indicate if this school offers Title I services.
Flag to indicate if this school is a exclusively providesd Title I services.
Amount of hours a day the school is open. Only available for private schools.
Amount of days a each year the school is open. Only available for private schools.
Flag to indicate if this school has a private library. Only available for private schools.
Possible values: [Coed
, Male
, Female
Flag to determine if the school is coed or seperated by gender. Only available for private schools.
The latitude location of the school.
The longitude location of the school.
Flag to determine if the school has an attendance boundary.
Distance to the school location in meters. If the geometry is a LiveBy boundary, it is distance to the edge of the boundary, or 0 if the school is inside the boundary.
Flag for if this school is the assigned school for current geometry.Many public schools allow attendance regardless of where the student lives, however will not provide bus services, or accommodations for those living outside the designated school attendance area.This flag is used to determine if the school district desginated the school to provide services to this location or not.
"success": true,
"pagination": {
"pageTotal": 0,
"limit": 0,
"offset": 0
"data": [
"schoolId": "string",
"districtId": "string",
"districtName": "string",
"schoolName": "string",
"schoolType": "public",
"phone": "string",
"website": "string",
"street": "string",
"city": "string",
"stateOrProvince": "string",
"postalCode": "string",
"country": "string",
"addressFull": "string",
"lowGrade": "string",
"highGrade": "string",
"schoolLevel": "Elementary",
"isCharterSchool": true,
"isMagnetSchool": true,
"isVirtualSchool": true,
"isPrivate": true,
"rankHistory": [
"year": 0,
"rank": 0,
"rankOf": 0,
"rankStars": 3,
"rankLevel": "string"
"schoolYearlyDetails": [
"year": 2019,
"numberOfStudents": 1000,
"percentFreeDiscLunch": 50,
"percentOfAfricanAmericanStudents": 0,
"percentOfAsianStudents": 0,
"percentOfHispanicStudents": 0,
"percentOfIndianStudents": 0,
"percentOfPacificIslanderStudents": 0,
"percentOfWhiteStudents": 0,
"percentOfTwoOrMoreRaceStudents": 0,
"percentOfUnspecifiedRaceStudents": 0,
"teachersFulltime": 0,
"pupilTeacherRatio": 0,
"numberOfAfricanAmericanStudents": 0,
"numberOfAsianStudents": 0,
"numberOfHispanicStudents": 0,
"numberOfIndianStudents": 0,
"numberOfPacificIslanderStudents": 0,
"numberOfWhiteStudents": 0,
"numberOfTwoOrMoreRaceStudents": 0,
"numberOfUnspecifiedRaceStudents": 0
"giftedAndTalented": true,
"dualEnrollment": true,
"creditRecovery": true,
"singleSexClasses": true,
"apCourse": true,
"internationalBaccalaureate": true,
"corporalPunishment": true,
"interscholarAthletics": true,
"offersKindergarten": true,
"offersFullDayKindergarten": true,
"apEnrollment": true,
"expenditurePerStudent": true,
"isTitleISchool": true,
"isTitleISchoolwideSchool": true,
"privateHours": 0,
"privateDays": 0,
"privateHasLibrary": true,
"privateCoed": "Coed",
"latitude": 0,
"longitude": 0,
"hasBoundary": true,
"distance": 0,
"isAssigned": true
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