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Search Lifestyles



This endpoint returns returns lifestyle trend information from Spatial AI. This data is based on where behaviors occur, not where people live. There are 72 lifestyle behaviors that are measured.

Currently the only countries supported are the United States of America and Canada.


Query Parameters

    boundary-id string[]required

    The boundary ID(s) to get lifestyle behavioral information on. Behavioral information will only be returned if the boundary exists and there is lifestyle information available for it. Only 20 boundary IDs can be supplied per request.

    exclude-slug string[]

    An array of slugs that represent a corresponding lifestyle behavior that you want excluded from the results.

    limit number[]

    The number of lifestyle behaviors you want returned. There are 72 lifestyle behaviors that are measured. This is useful in cases where you only need the top lifestyle behaviors for a requested area.

    offset number

    Used for pagination, the number of records for the collection to skip.

    Default value: 0

    sort-by string

    Sort by any of the following parameters.

    • lifestyle
    • percentileVsNation

    Possible values: [lifestyle, percentileVsNation]

    Default value: percentileVsNation

    sort-order string

    The direction in which to sort using the following parameters.

    • asc (ascending order)
    • desc (descending order)

    Possible values: [asc, desc]

    Default value: desc

    group-by string

    Group results by boundary ID instead of aggregating results for all included boundaries.

    • boundary-id

    Possible values: [boundary-id]



    success booleanrequired



  • Array [

  • boundaryId string[]required

    The boundary id or ids used to aggregate lifestyle behavioral data.




    Array of lifestyle behaviors. There are 72 lifestyle behaviors that are measured.

  • Array [

  • spatialAiId stringrequired

    The id given for this lifestyle by Spatial AI.

    lifestyle stringrequired

    The lifestyle behavior being measured. Measurements are based on where behaviors occurs, not where people live.

    slug stringrequired

    An easier to read id to be used when excluding lifestyle behaviors from the results.

    category stringrequired

    The category the lifestyle behavior belongs to.

    percentileVsNation stringrequired

    A score representing percentile vs. the nation. A "Bookish" score of 80 means this area scored higher than 80% of the nation.

    image stringrequired

    A visual representation of the lifestyle behavior.

    description stringrequired

    A description of the lifestyle behavior being measured.

  • ]

  • ]
