LiveBy Schools API offers detailed information about schools in a geographical area.
There are 3 kinds of school data that can be provided:
- Assigned schools are schools that someone at the residence, or lives inside the provided LiveBy boundary could attend. Usually, these are the schools that a public bus would service.
- Non-assigned public schools are free public schools that someone could attend if they could get transportation for the student to use. These are also often called open enroll schools.
- Private schools are schools a student must pay for in order to attend. Because private schools do not have attendance boundaries, LiveBy returns private schools within a distance to the provided geometry. If that geometry is a coordinate, you may control this distance. If the geometry is a LiveBy boundary, the distance is controlled by LiveBy.
📄️ Search Schools
Get a list of schools based on search criteria. Used to initially search for schools. Extra details can be found in the `/v4/schools/{school-id}` endpoint.